Capturing your legacy through Birth Photography


Early this year one of my dear friends and midwife inquired if I would be interested in birth photography. I said, “well yes!”. While I shared with her that birth photography falls right in line with my genre of “family” photography, I’ve never photographed a birth.

Thankfully, my friend knows me well and believes in my abilities and suggested I meet with the owner of the birth center where my friend works as she felt I’d be a fit for this center as a photographer. Fast forward through a zoom interview and site visit and well, I’m one of three (that I’m aware of) the birth center will refer their clients to for photography.

Fast forward several more months since that interview, when I received an inquiry through my website for a birth. My heart instantly started to race with excitement and anticipation as I read through the inquiry. As I chatted on the phone with this potential client she had many questions for me and let me know she was also interviewing a few other photographers. I of course understood and actually was quite pleased with her thoroughness. About 1-2 weeks later she let me know they chose ME to photograph their birth! Yay!

While I wait for her to alert me of her labor (still waiting as I write this mid-July), I received another inquiry. EEK! I was out of state when I was reviewing her inquiry and called her right away. She was already in pre-labor and felt she might’ve waited too late to hire a photographer. We decided if she hadn’t delivered by the time I got home (I was already booked to fly home the next morning), I would be there at her birth. Sure enough she, well babe, waited until I got home and about a few extra days.

What an experience! To watch this amazing woman labor and birth her first child was something to behold. The doula, midwife, husband, and of course mom were all in sync. Everyone knew what to do, more-so the doula and midwife, but so-knowing were mom and dad as well and as first timers!

It was then I realized, through these images, this family added a visual memory that will be part of their family legacy for generations to come. They stressed the importance of documenting their family in this way. The strength of mom, the support of dad, the love shared between even before sweet babe took his first earth-side breath. Wow! For this boy to grow up and share his entrance to this world with his family, and then they share with the next family… a visual legacy all because mom and dad found value in documenting this most intimate moment of new family life.

While we wait for that first mama to go into labor I have documented one more birth. A rather fast and wild welcome yet also so different from the first. Still beautiful and so so special.

What I’ve learned so far, in just two births, is that photographing in near darkness – and without a flash – IS possible, and ethereal, and beautiful. The images feel even more intimate than I expected. I also learned both couples are so very much connected to one another yet both sets of partners had totally different connections, in my opinion. Beautiful, supportive, raw, lovely.

I’ve also learned that I am in awe of the midwives and doula. Whoa! They are incredible! Maybe this is the norm. If I was pregnant, I’m 100% certain I’d be considering these resources for myself.

As noted, we are still expectant with anticipation for the phone call that my 3rd mama is in labor. While we continue to (im)patiently wait, I have updated my website to include birth photography services, added a few photos to my Instagram (@odymacphoto), developed a birth brochure, and properly pack a GO-bag for myself; who knew I’d need middle of the night snacks while taking a quick break in between contractions. 🙂

I am booking births now through 2025. If you’re expecting or know someone who is and is looking for this type of legacy documentation, send them my way, please!

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