Have you heard this quote, “The biggest lie I tell myself is “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.””? I believe that to be true not only with words but with documenting life through a camera. My oldest is now 22 years old. Let me tell you that when we were pregnant with him we bought out first camera, a canon digital zoom. We thought we won the lotto with this “high tech” camera. We quickly discovered it was documenting the moment AFTER it happened as the technology wasn’t as great as we thought. The one second lag from pushing the shutter button open to close was one second too long. It was frustrating as our babe started to crawl. So my dear husband surprised me and bought me my first dSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera. From that moment on I couldn’t document fast enough. I knew this was the way for me to capture life in the moment. Now that I’ve been a photographer for nearly 19 years I have affirmed this is still the best way to capture the visual life in the here-and-now. Once this moment has passed, there’s no going back only moving forward and we don’t want our memory to forget it.
This is why my approach is all about right-now; capturing life as it is, flaw and all. It’s what is so beautiful about humans and the planet. Not to get too woo-woo, but those leaves and that water and this kiddo will not look the same in a month, year, or decade. Helping our memory recall those moments when they happened are part of our story.
- Nicole O.
"My kids (who range from preteens to twenties) actually get excited when it's family photo time. That tells you something about how fun Melody is to work with."
My goals for hiring me are to capture your family and as many details as possible to be able to recall this session with all your senses, curate a gallery that enhances those details through gentle editing, and provide an opportunity to get those details printed and into your hands. Alliterations are my jam so let me sum up what I specialize in: